Interface: id=1029, clipped=1, parentID=1448, compID=3 Runscript: [9602, 67436629, 0, 23306970] Runscript: [9602, 67436630, 1, 23306955] IfaceSettings: hash:67436573, to:0, from:5, settings:2 ifaceID=1029, compID=29 IfaceSettings: hash:67436566, to:0, from:5, settings:2 ifaceID=1029, compID=22 Runscript: [9598, 0] clanbanaddInterface: id=1418, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=233 Interface: id=1469, clipped=1, parentID=1418, compID=0 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [110, Enter the name to be banned:] GAME_VARP[4286] = 15; GAME_VARP[4286] = -1; clanbanremovInterface: id=1215, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=21 eremoveRunscript: [4581, 8] Interface: id=1418, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=233 Interface: id=1469, clipped=1, parentID=1418, compID=0 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [110, Enter the name to be removed:] GAME_VARP[4286] = 7; GAME_VARP[4286] = -1; remove2 Interface: id=1418, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=233 Interface: id=1469, clipped=1, parentID=1418, compID=0 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [110, Enter the name to be removed:] noteadd Interface: id=451, clipped=0, parentID=1477, compID=234 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [9206, 29556743, 29556742, 29556758, 0, 7] Runscript: [9210] noteadd_1 Interface: id=1215, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=21 Interface: id=451, clipped=0, parentID=1477, compID=234 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [9206, 29556743, 29556742, 29556758, 0, 9] 2 Runscript: [9210] noteeditInterface: id=451, clipped=0, parentID=1477, compID=234 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [9206, 29556743, 29556742, 29556758, 0, 7] Runscript: [9210] Interface: id=451, clipped=0, parentID=1477, compID=234 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [9206, 29556743, 29556742, 29556758, 0, 9] Runscript: [9210] Interface: id=451, clipped=0, parentID=1477, compID=234 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [9206, 29556743, 29556742, 29556758, 0, 3] Runscript: [9210] Interface: id=1215, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=21 ignorenoteaddInterface: id=451, clipped=0, parentID=1477, compID=234 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [9206, 29556743, 29556742, 29556758, 1, 0] Runscript: [9210] Interface: id=1418, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=233 Interface: id=1469, clipped=1, parentID=1418, compID=0 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [105] Interface: id=1418, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=233 Interface: id=1469, clipped=1, parentID=1418, compID=0 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [105] ignorenoteadd2 Interface: id=451, clipped=0, parentID=1477, compID=234 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [9206, 29556743, 29556742, 29556758, 1, 1] Runscript: [9210] Interface: id=1215, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=21 Interface: id=451, clipped=0, parentID=1477, compID=234 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [9206, 29556743, 29556742, 29556758, 1, 1] Runscript: [9210]