fckick Interface: id=1418, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=233 Interface: id=1469, clipped=1, parentID=1418, compID=0 Runscript: [8178] Runscript: [2688] fcsettings GAME_VARP[1258] = 297664; Interface string 3: hash=72613890, string=Anyone Interface string 3: hash=72613891, string=Anyone Interface string 3: hash=72613892, string=Captain+ Interface string 3: hash=72613893, string=Any friends Interface string 3: hash=72613889, string=RagleĀ Fragle Interface string 3: hash=72613899, string=CoinShare ON Runscript: [8178] Interface: id=1108, clipped=0, parentID=1477, compID=236 IfaceSettings: hash:72613910, to:0, from:199, settings:254 ifaceID=1108, compID=22 Interface string 3: hash=72613893, string=Any friends Interface: id=1215, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=21 polls toplevel_v2_contextwindow_full_close 1 GAME_VARP[3708] = 39846916; GAME_VARP[3708] = 39846916; GAME_VARP[1758] = 0; GAME_VARP[1765] = -1; GAME_VARP[4041] = 0; Runscript: [8194, 4, 1] IfaceSettings: hash:96796747, to:0, from:24, settings:2 ifaceID=1477, compID=75 IfaceSettings: hash:96796749, to:1, from:1, settings:2 ifaceID=1477, compID=77 Interface: id=1029, clipped=1, parentID=1448, compID=3 Runscript: [9602, 67436629, 0, 23327130] Runscript: [9602, 67436630, 1, 23317035] IfaceSettings: hash:67436573, to:0, from:5, settings:2 ifaceID=1029, compID=29 IfaceSettings: hash:67436566, to:0, from:5, settings:2 ifaceID=1029, compID=22 Interface string 3: hash=67436639, string=Power to the Players Interface string 3: hash=67436644, string=Click on one of the active polls below to have your say.
Remember to check each week for new polls! Interface string 3: hash=67436593, string=Next Distraction and Diversion Interface string 3: hash=67436600, string=Halloween 2014: What happens next? #3 Interface string 3: hash=67436610, string= Interface string 3: hash=67436610, string=Closed Interface string 3: hash=67436607, string=Elf City Slayer Runscript: [9598, 0] dragonstone GAME_VARP[4041] = 64; GAME_VARP[4040] = 0; GAME_VARP[4041] = 64; Interface string 3: hash=67436639, string=Dragonstone Interface string 3: hash=67436639, string=Next Distraction and Diversion Interface string 3: hash=67436644, string=Distractions and Diversions are great for breaking up skilling and offering additional rewards. We've got loads of ideas for future small D&Ds (of similar size to the Evil Tree activity), but which skill should we make one for next? Runscript: [9603, Highest total wins.] Runscript: [9602, 67436629, 0, 23327130] GAME_VARP[4046] = -1; GAME_VARP[4050] = 2; Runscript: [9604] Runscript: [9606] Interface string 3: hash=67436666, string=subscribe Interface string 3: hash=67436700, string=subscribe Interface string 3: hash=67436709, string=subscribe Interface string 3: hash=67436691, string=Farming Interface string 3: hash=67436694, string=Create a D&D focused on the Farming skill. Interface string 3: hash=67436695, string= Runscript: [9607, 0, Farming, Create a D&D focused on the Farming skill., , 17388, 21, 2426, -1, -1, 0, 1] Runscript: [9615] Runscript: [9607, 1, Divination, Create a D&D focused on the Divination skill., , 17388, 33, 3738, -1, -1, 1, 1] Runscript: [9607, 2, Herblore, Create a D&D focused on the Herblore skill., , 17388, 19, 2195, -1, -1, 1, 1] Runscript: [9607, 3, Crafting, Create a D&D focused on the Crafting skill., , 17388, 19, 2121, -1, -1, 1, 1] Runscript: [9607, 4, I don't mind, Choose this option if you don't mind which skill we make a D&D for., , 17388, 5, 649, -1, -1, 1, 1] Runscript: [9610, 5, 67436586, -1] Runscript: [9612, 67436566, 0, Farming, Create a D&D focused on the Farming skill., , 17388] Runscript: [9611, 0, Farming, Create a D&D focused on the Farming skill., , 17388, -1, 1] hiscores Interface: id=1215, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=21 GAME_VARP[3708] = 73401348; Interface: id=1419, clipped=1, parentID=1448, compID=3 Runscript: [7825, 1] Interface string 3: hash=92995618, string=Seasonal Runscript: [7827, 10122, Life Points Healed, The total amount of life points healed., -1, Not Ranked, 2, 0, 0] Runscript: [7827, 1487, Loot Stolen during Heist, The total amount of loot stolen while playing as a robber in the Heist minigame. The loot must be offloaded, not just taken!, -1, Not Ranked, 2, 0, 0] Runscript: [7827, 22903, Monkey Punches, Number of pvp kills as a gorilla., -1, Not Ranked, 2, 0, 0] Runscript: [7827, 22085, Robbers Caught during Heist, The total amount of robbers caught while playing as a guard in the Heist minigame. The player must be caught, not just identified!, -1, Not Ranked, 2, 0, 0] Runscript: [7827, 10121, Slayer Tower Kills, The total number of kills made within the Slayer Tower., -1, Not Ranked, 9, 0, 0] Runscript: [7827, 22903, Total Contribution, Total contribution to a team during the Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza., -1, Not Ranked, 2, 0, 0] Runscript: [7826, 1] activity GAME_VARP[3708] = 106955780; Interface: id=1447, clipped=1, parentID=1448, compID=3 Interface: id=1441, clipped=1, parentID=1448, compID=5 IfaceSettings: hash:94437395, to:0, from:500, settings:510 ifaceID=1441, compID=19 IfaceSettings: hash:94437407, to:0, from:500, settings:6 ifaceID=1441, compID=31 chat settings GAME_VARP[3708] = 140510212; Interface: id=1440, clipped=1, parentID=1448, compID=3 IfaceSettings: hash:94371856, to:0, from:200, settings:2 ifaceID=1440, compID=16 IfaceSettings: hash:94371888, to:0, from:600, settings:2 ifaceID=1440, compID=48 IfaceSettings: hash:94371886, to:0, from:600, settings:1024 ifaceID=1440, compID=46 IfaceSettings: hash:94371866, to:0, from:600, settings:1024 ifaceID=1440, compID=26 Interface: id=1109, clipped=1, parentID=1448, compID=5 Interface: id=982, clipped=1, parentID=1448, compID=7 GAME_VARP[3926] = 1031; GAME_VARP[3928] = 8978505; GAME_VARP[3929] = -1; GAME_VARP[1772] = 721407; GAME_VARP[1772] = 721407; Interface: id=669, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=159 GAME_VARP[3926] = 1031; GAME_VARP[3928] = 8978505; GAME_VARP[3929] = -1; GAME_VARP[1772] = 721407; GAME_VARP[1772] = 737791; Interface: id=669, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=159 toplevel_v2_contextwindow_full_close 1 GAME_VARP[3925] = 1966076; GAME_VARP[3926] = 2120; GAME_VARP[3928] = 8978505; GAME_VARP[3929] = -1; Interface: id=669, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=159 GAME_VARP[3926] = 0; GAME_VARP[3928] = -1; GAME_VARP[3929] = -1; Interface: id=669, clipped=1, parentID=1477, compID=159 GAME_VARP[2250] = 1212477248; GAME_VARP[2724] = 1097048899; GAME_VARP[1611] = -1878982522; GAME_VARP[3277] = 4; GAME_VARP[3277] = 4; GAME_VARP[3277] = 4; GAME_VARP[3277] = 4; GAME_VARP[3277] = 4; GAME_VARP[3277] = 4; GAME_VARP[3277] = 4; GAME_VARP[3277] = 4; GAME_VARP[3277] = 4; GAME_VARP[3277] = 4;